Jefferson Road Elementary School
School Principal: Stephanie Barg | JRE PTSA Co-Chairs: Kara Cannarozzo & Megan Williams
School Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair
Scholastic book fairs are held once a year. The book fair this year will be Monday, October 21 - Friday, October 25, 2024. Funds raised from the book fair benefit enrichment programs. Each class will visit the book fair during the week. Students can bring home their “Wish List” as well. A book fair preview flyer will be sent home prior to the sale week. Parents are welcome to visit the book fair any day or evening it is open to make purchases.
The book fair family night will be Monday, October 21 from 5 PM - 7 PM.
Visit the Scholastic website to set up your child's eWallet through the link:​
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help set up the fair and to help students make selections and purchases. The book fair always needs your help for both day time and evening hours. To volunteer, please contact the chair using the link below.