Jefferson Road Elementary School
School Principal: Stephanie Barg | JRE PTSA Co-Chairs: Kara Cannarozzo & Megan Williams
Parents on the Playground
Parents on the Playground
Parents on the Playground is an opportunity for parents/caregivers to volunteer to help with lunch/recess. There are two time slots per day. You must be available for the entire time slot — 10:50 am to 12:05 pm or 12:05 pm to 1:20 pm. Please check in at the front desk no later than 10:45 am or 12:00 pm with your driver's license.
Duties of POP volunteers may include making sure kids are:
listening to instructions
staying safe
having fun
being kind
not forgetting their belongings
During winter months, you may also be helping some of our younger students get their snow gear on or off, if necessary. On days when outdoor recess is not possible, you will help in the cafeteria or occasionally in individual classrooms for recess times. When inside the cafeteria, your duties may include helping students open packages/containers, reminding students to eat in a timely manner, reminding students to throw away garbage and pack up their lunch items, wiping down tables and sweeping floor in between grade lunch changes.
You may not bring other people (including younger siblings) to your shift.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the chair using the link below.